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Loving Your Dog’s Quirks: 5 Things I Love About My White German Shepherd Dog

September 14, 2011

Many people love animals. Many of those people love dogs. A good number of those people love White German Shepherds. A few people love MY White German Shepherd. However, only I get to love the bond between Arie and me.

The bond between a pet parent and their pet is something unbreakable and beyond special. You get to know them in a way others don’t, and you grow to love little things about them. Like a human best friend, their oddities and quirks become endearing and some of the things you love about them most. For a few examples, here’s my top 5 list for Arie:

1. I love the fact that my dog is GINORMOUS. There is nothing more hilarious than walking a giant dog. Why? people. I love people watching, and seeing how people react to her cracks. me. up. “OH. That’s a BIG dog.” is a common statement. Some people will switch sidewalks to avoid her. Others, like a five-year-old in my neighborhood, want to get up close and personal. “Can I ride your puppy? She looks like a pony!” (I kid you not. It was said).

arie and shady

(Okay so home photos, but let's just appreciate the nostalgia of the amateur photography please.) Arie, and Shady, our lab mix. Shady is around 45 lbs, and sometimes feels a little inadequate next to gigantor.

2. I love the fact that my dog honks. Yes, honks. Arie is a very vocal pup for a dog that doesn’t bark often. She sighs. She grumbles. She “honks”, or at least that’s what I call the noise she makes when she’s over tired or exasperated. It’s reminiscent of a moose, which is fitting–If she had been male, her name would have been Moose.

3. When she was a pup, she looked like a bat. If you’ve ever seen a German Shepherd puppy, their ears look like they could take flight at any minute. Hilarious. 

arie as a puppy

EARS. and paws. Massive, especially when they were disproportionate puppy features. Also, this tired face would be optimal for "honks".

4. Shake in Arie language means a lot. Arie has come to associate “Shake” with making sure that things are okay. When we taught her to shake, she thought it was the best thing ever. Now, when she’s in trouble, or if I’m ill about something, she comes over to shake, as if to say “It’s okay mom, right?”

5. I love the fact that she’s a White German Shepherd. Having a WGSD is like having a hipster hair cut and a classic home. On one hand, you have something that’s trendy and cool, a little controversial, and a little rare so that it gets appreciated. It’s ever-changing, and constantly evolving. On the other, you have an amazing, classic and comfortable companion that makes you feel at ease, that you know will be with you for life, and that is all your own. WGSD are something that took time to create–Arie is from a breed that was built on decades of work and effort to make an amazing dog.

Arie, sleeping white german shepherd puppy

Just for the sheer cuteness of Arie as a puppy. (Is there anything more precious than a White German Shepherd puppy?!?) I had to do the token cute photo...after all, this is an Arie appreciation post.

Quirky, odd, or as expected as they may be, we ALL have those little somethings we love about our pets. What are your pet’s quirks? What are the little things that you love about them? Share your top five in a comment.
15 Comments leave one →
  1. September 14, 2011 10:16 pm

    I love the picture with her “bat” ears! Oh my dog, what a cute puppy!

    • September 14, 2011 10:20 pm

      Hahaha, thanks, Jodi! Her ears were a major lovable point for her, especially as a puppy, and a major talking point. Almost everyone who saw her would say “Look at those EARS!!!” I’ll let her know she has an admirer.

  2. September 15, 2011 12:39 am

    You have pointed out 5 ways that you love your dog for her uniqueness. I love the pictures…they tell the story about how comfortable Arie is in her own fur. Thanks for sharing your love for your dog.

  3. September 15, 2011 6:14 am

    I have to ask what her height is because she does tower so much over Shady. Thanks for joining in the 31DBBB challenge, your input is much appreciated!

    • September 17, 2011 10:35 pm

      Hey Dawn, to answer your question, I haven’t measured her recently, and the pursuit for the tape measure proved to fail a few minute ago. To ballpark it, I can tell you that I’m 5’7″, and her head is even with my waist. when she stands beside me.

  4. September 15, 2011 8:51 am

    These photos… what a cutie!

  5. September 15, 2011 12:27 pm

    She is adorable! Great list post btw!

  6. September 15, 2011 12:42 pm

    Loving your bat ears! I look a bit like Dumbo when I run – ears flapping all over the place :o)

  7. September 15, 2011 1:15 pm

    I love the puppy picture! I have always wanted a white German Shepherd and yours is beautiful!

  8. September 15, 2011 9:50 pm

    I love the way your interspersed the pictures with your list–great job!

  9. September 16, 2011 9:57 am

    Oh, I love your list!! The pictures are just fabulous, and the list is so funny. It’s hard to pick a favorite but I think Arie looking like a bat is my fave, so cute and really made me smile. Great job!

  10. September 17, 2011 2:48 am

    What a great picture of her puppy ears and her “little” buddy. I definitely like how you mixed in pictures – too cute!

    • September 17, 2011 5:59 pm

      Hey everyone! I am so sorry that I haven’t had a chance to reply to your lovely comments! Thanks to everyone for their wonderful comments on Arie and her adorableness (I’ll mention it to her but downplay it a bit…she can be so vain) and thanks for the comment on the post; I appreciate your feedback so much! I hope to visit everyone’s blog sometime this weekend to see all of the amazing things your posting as well, and I’m loving this BlogPaws community!

  11. September 18, 2011 4:14 pm

    OMG what a cutie! Great list 🙂 She is an adorable, happy girl!

  12. September 18, 2011 8:00 pm

    This is a fun post, and a great list. I love that Arie’s personality comes through so well in this list. Thanks for posting it and giving me a good giggle today 🙂

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